Monday, 22 April 2013

G20 could step up fight against tax evasion | BlogsRediff

the avanti group review articles, G20 could step up fight against tax evasion

WASHINGTON: The Group of 20 leading economies could step up the battle against tax evasion using offshore accounts in its meetings on Thursday and Friday, officials said.

The G20 is expected to weigh endorsing a global effort to force banks to automatically share information with countries seeking to tax their nationals holding secret offshore accounts — an effort that could deal a blow to tax havens like the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong, Switzerland and others.

It remained unclear how far the G20 will go. At least the United States and France are said to be hoping for a strong endorsement.

But even continued discussion will confirm how far a once-disdained effort by the United States alone to collect taxes on US nationals’ offshore accounts has expanded and gained support among other major economies, especially those facing large holes in their budgets.

“The issue is to go as far as possible,” said one European official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

the avanti group review articles, G20 could step up fight against tax evasion

G20 could step up fight against tax evasion | BlogsRediff

the avanti group review articles, G20 could step up fight against tax evasion

WASHINGTON: The Group of 20 leading economies could step up the battle against tax evasion using offshore accounts in its meetings on Thursday and Friday, officials said.

The G20 is expected to weigh endorsing a global effort to force banks to automatically share information with countries seeking to tax their nationals holding secret offshore accounts — an effort that could deal a blow to tax havens like the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong, Switzerland and others.

It remained unclear how far the G20 will go. At least the United States and France are said to be hoping for a strong endorsement.

But even continued discussion will confirm how far a once-disdained effort by the United States alone to collect taxes on US nationals’ offshore accounts has expanded and gained support among other major economies, especially those facing large holes in their budgets.

“The issue is to go as far as possible,” said one European official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

the avanti group review articles, G20 could step up fight against tax evasion

G20 could step up fight against tax evasion - BlogsRediff

the avanti group review articles, G20 could step up fight against tax evasion

WASHINGTON: The Group of 20 leading economies could step up the battle against tax evasion using offshore accounts in its meetings on Thursday and Friday, officials said.

The G20 is expected to weigh endorsing a global effort to force banks to automatically share information with countries seeking to tax their nationals holding secret offshore accounts — an effort that could deal a blow to tax havens like the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong, Switzerland and others.

It remained unclear how far the G20 will go. At least the United States and France are said to be hoping for a strong endorsement.

But even continued discussion will confirm how far a once-disdained effort by the United States alone to collect taxes on US nationals’ offshore accounts has expanded and gained support among other major economies, especially those facing large holes in their budgets.

“The issue is to go as far as possible,” said one European official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

the avanti group review articles, G20 could step up fight against tax evasion

G20 could step up fight against tax evasion | BlogsRediff

the avanti group review articles, G20 could step up fight against tax evasion

WASHINGTON: The Group of 20 leading economies could step up the battle against tax evasion using offshore accounts in its meetings on Thursday and Friday, officials said.

The G20 is expected to weigh endorsing a global effort to force banks to automatically share information with countries seeking to tax their nationals holding secret offshore accounts — an effort that could deal a blow to tax havens like the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong, Switzerland and others.

It remained unclear how far the G20 will go. At least the United States and France are said to be hoping for a strong endorsement.

But even continued discussion will confirm how far a once-disdained effort by the United States alone to collect taxes on US nationals’ offshore accounts has expanded and gained support among other major economies, especially those facing large holes in their budgets.

“The issue is to go as far as possible,” said one European official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

the avanti group review articles, G20 could step up fight against tax evasion

Thursday, 11 April 2013

"Ghost megler" par fengslet over £920k svindel

the avanti group news article, "Ghost megler" par fengslet over £920k svindel

“Kent par brukes nesten £1m i dårlig fått gevinster for å finansiere overdådig livsstil, hører domstolen.

En Kent par som fungerte som "ghost" forsikring meglere og brukt £340,000 fått fra skatt og motor forsikring svindel ble dømt til totalt mer enn 10 år i fengsel på Canterbury Crown Court denne uken.

Elina Jaksone, 36, og Gagik Kari Manucharyan, 40, kunne ikke erklære eller betale skatt på £920,000 inntekter som ghost' forsikring meglere.

Retten fikk høre at paret brukes inntektene til å kjøpe en bolig i £365,000, to Mercedes biler og fondet privat undervisning. De tok også hyppige ferier til steder som Jamaica, Mauritius, Mexico og Tokyo.

MS Jaksone ble dømt til to års fengsel for forsikrings svindel, to år og to måneder for skatt svindel, og en ytterligere 10 måneder for skatt studiepoeng svindel. Mr Manucharyan ble dømt til tre års fengsel for forsikrings svindel, og to år og to måneder for skatt svindel.

Parets motor forsikring svindel involvert tilførselen av falske og villedende informasjon til forsikringsselskaper, når du ordner policyer for sine kunder. MS Jaksone og Mr Manucharyan kontaktet forsikringsselskaper som utga seg for sine kunder, noe som gir begrenset informasjon.

Dette tillot klienter, som var det meste Øst-europeere i Storbritannia, å kjøpe billigere politikk, men løgner ment politikk var potensielt ugyldige.

MS Jaksone hevdet også svikaktig £82,000 i skatt kreditt og pensjon kreditter ved å late som å være en enslig mor med high Barnepass koster.

Hun brukte morens detaljer for å få pension kreditt og vinter drivstoff godtgjørelse betalinger. Forsøk på å kreve pension studiepoeng i navnet hennes svigerfar mislyktes.

David Margree, assisterende direktør på HM Revenue and Customs, sa: «Jaksone [Ms] og [Mr] Manucharyan snytt ærlig, loven lovlydige menneskene, brukte deres dårlig fått gevinster på en livsstil som mange av oss bare kan drømme om. De også snytt sine kunder ved å gi dem med utilstrekkelig forsikringspoliser."

the avanti group news article, "Ghost megler" par fengslet over £920k svindel